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"Commit your work to the Lord,
and your plans will be established."

Proverbs 16:3


The Hebrew word "Ruach" means “wind”, “breath”, or “spirit”. The corresponding Greek word is "pneuma".​
Both words are commonly used in passages referring to the Holy Spirit. God’s Ruach is the source of life.
We chose this name because we intend to create spiritual games, inspired and led by the Holy Spirit, allowing us to share the truth with millions o
f people through entertainment.

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We are a group of nobodies creating life-changing games for a world full of somebodies. We got tired of the entertainment industry forcing its one-sided view of values, morals, and teachings into movies, TV series, and games, slowly changing how people think about the truth of life.​ ​
For too long we have ignored this, with the result being that darkness has now mostly taken over the media, schools, and the entertainment industry pulling people away from the Light!
We aim to change that, by bringing Truth into entertainment, because we know that only the Truth can set people free. We plan to do this by creating fun and enlightening entertainment that people of all ages and cultures would enjoy.
Our goal is to create God-honoring games that will change lives. Our objective is not to make “cheesy” Christian games, but to create high-quality fun games for both believers and unbelievers so that we can show them the Truth of life itself!


Ruach Entertainment is a division of DLM Christian Lifestyle, a registered 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization dedicated to teaching the truth in Love, through various forms of media.
Through Ruach Entertainment, we aim to engage and inspire through entertainment, extending our outreach and sharing the message of truth in a way that’s accessible and enjoyable for all.

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